dilluns, 11 de març del 2013

On Monday 4th, we have talked about how the Internet network is going to be on the next years, and the main requirements which the users are going to request. The three principal topics are: velocity, mobility and security. In terms of providers, there are other requirements that must be solved: the reliability of the net, it is very complex to manage the whole network because the number of ISP has increased in the last years, and the accountability of the net.

The engineers are working in two different ways to provide all of this services: on one hand, they are trying to re-use the existing network and introducing slight changes, and in the other hand, they are reformulating the principles of the network with ideas that provide all of these requirements.

The Content Centric Network is one of these ideas: it consists in identifying the travelling packets so it can be processed in a most efficient way. Recursive Internet Architecture is another idea, is based in the distributed computation and it consist in understanding the net as a single computer and by developing an OS be capable of managing the communication.
The last remarkable idea is the Software Defined Networks: it is an approach to networking in which control is decoupled from the hardware and given to a software application called a controller. The controller is capable of managing the traffic, even blocking specific types of packets, without needing to know the network.

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